Book Chapters

  • Miller, s. (2022). What do you ‘meme’ by that? A gender identity complexity turn in practice and praxis. In T. Chapman and N. Hobbel (Eds.), Social Justice across the curriculum: The practice of freedom (2nd ed.) (pp. 311-329). New York: Routledge.
  • Miller, s. (2022). Trans*ing pedagogy: Recognition of trans* and gender creative youth in the secondary ELA classroom. In D. Hucks, Y. Sealey-Ruiz, V.  Showunmi,  S.C. Carothers, and C. Lewis, (Eds.), Purposeful teaching and learning in diverse contexts:  Implications for education for access, equity and achievement (pp. 59-69). New York: Information Age Publishing.
  • Miller, s. (2020). Gender Identity is trans-sectional turn: Expanding the theory of of trans*ness into literacy practice. In C. Mayo and M. Blackburn (Eds.), Queer, trans and intersectional theory in educational practice (pp. 35-49). New York: Routledge. 
  • Miller, s., Mayo, C., & Lugg, C.  (2019). Sex and gender in transition in US schools: Ways forward. In J. Gilbert & J. Sinclair-Palm (Eds.), Trans youth in education (pp. 25-39). New York: Routledge. 
  • Miller, s. (2018). (Dis)Embedding gender diversity in the preservice classroom. In S. Steinberg & J. Kincheloe (Eds.), Classroom teaching: An introduction (2nd ed.)(pp. 165-179). New York: Peter Lang.
  • Miller, s. (2019) Trans*+and gender identity diverse students’ right to use a Bathroom: Debating human dignity. In M. Levinson and J. Fay (Eds.), Democratic discord in schools: Cases and commentaries in educational ethics (pp. 191-194).  Cambridge, MA: Harvard Press. 
  • Miller, s. (2018). Embedding the complexities of gender identity through a pedagogy of refusal: Learning the body as literacy alongside youth. B. Guzzetti. JD, Bean, & T. Bean (Eds.). Literacies, sexualities, and gender: Understanding identities from preschool to adulthood (pp. 128-140). New York: Routledge. 
  • Miller, s. (2018). Gender identityWOKE: A theory of trans*+for animating literacy practices. In D. Alvermann, NJ Unrau, M. Sailors and R. Ruddell (Eds), Theoretical models and processes of literacy edition 7 (pp. 403-418). New York: Routledge. 
  • Miller, s. (2016). Queer literacy framework. In N. Rodriguez, W. Martino, J. Ingrey, and E. Brockenbrough (Eds.), Critical concepts in queer studies and education: An international guide for the 21st century (pp. 259-272). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Miller. s. (2010). I Know I’m Not Me. New York: Teachers College Press.  Endorsement.
  • Miller, S. (2006). SLAM! Genre for social activism. In S. Steinberg, P. Parmar, & B. Richard (Eds.), Contemporary youth culture: An international encyclopedia (pp. 493-504). Westport: Greenwood.

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bookcover trans youth
bookcover classroom teaching bookcover literacies sexuality gender
bookcover models and processes of literacy bookcover critical concepts in queer study
bookcover beyond borders 2
bookcover new directions in teaching english 2
bookcover literary merits of young adult literature 2