Working Philosophy
I want to be a thought-partner with your team and support you in making the work environment a place where everyone wants to be without question; where Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging+ (DEIAB+) are the anchors for the working community. This is not easy work and it takes diligence, mindfulness, and a collective willingness to embrace the desire to change. But change is not enough. We must look deeply into the root causes of systemic and structural issues, unpack and challenge them, and then envision the direction you want your organization to go. It is not enough to make change, we must work to sustain changes that can and will lead to broad-scale transformation. This process of transformation is centered in the Social Justice Framework of Miller & Kirkland (2012), which situates work as Reflective, Change-Oriented, and Solutions-based.
I offer tailored professional development, academic coaching, and technical support that leverages, strengthens, and builds capacities for individuals and groups to frame their work through anti-bias, prejudice reduction, and equity-centered practices within curriculum, pedagogy, and in local, state, and national policies.
Together, we can decide what is the best path forward for your organization’s needs and goals.
Types of Support
(in person and remote)
- Small, whole group, and one-to-one
- Training trainers
- Research-based solutions grounded in social justice and equity
- Short or long-term
- Presentations and keynotes
- Dissertation coaching: preparation, writing, editing, rehearsing, submission, and publishing
- Conference proposal writing, preparation, submission, and rehearsing
- Writing coaching for all ages
- Institutional audits
- Short and long-term strategic planning
Institutional Foci

- K-12 Schools and Districts
- Community Colleges
- Universities
- Small Businesses
- Non-profits
- Human Resources
- Behavioral health and Mental health settings
- Medical, law, dental, tech, and other professional settings
- Law enforcement and fire personnel
Constituents Served
- Administrators (e.g., superintendents, principals, department chairs, Deans)
- Staff, support staff, school personnel, learning specialists, instructional coaches
- Teachers and/or faculty
- Students at all academic levels
- Parents and/or guardians
- Community Organizations
- Advisory and Governing Boards
- Grant funders
- Social workers and counselors
- Policy makers
- Human resources
- Doctors, lawyers, dental health and other professionals (just ask)
- Police, Firefighters and EMTs

Possible Outcomes

- Advancing knowledge, dispositions, and pedagogical capacities about supporting the well-being of students’ personal and social-emotional legitimacies
- Experiencing the increased confidence to engage with and motivate both personal and student learning
- Expanding personal, social and institutional awareness
- Strengthening pedagogical and practical daily and long-term tools for application
- Shifting workplace environments to be inclusive and welcoming of intersectional identities
- Generating equitable contexts
Some Topics Covered
- DEIAB+ 101 – Broad Overview
What is DEIAB+ and how can we establish a more inclusive working community?
- Cultural Humility
What does it mean to embrace cultural humility as we work with different communities?
- Implicit Bias
How do we dive into our internal biases and apply stereotype replacement theory?
- Intercultural Competence
What does it look like expand to our intercultural competence as we work within different communities?
- Microaggressions
How do we unpack, understand and shift our microaggressive mindsets?
- Moving Beyond Optics and Checkboxes
What does it mean to truly embrace all identities within our organization’s community and beyond?
- Restorative Justice
How can we heal our wounding in our work environment in order to move forward?
- Welcoming Everyone who Walks through our Doors
What can we do to embrace the diversity of our clients?
What does that look like
How can we get there?
- Dissertation coaching: preparation, writing, editing, rehearsing, submission, and publishing
- Conference proposal writing, preparation, submission, and rehearsing
- Writing coaching for all ages
- Unpacking Germane Language and Terms
Gender and Sex - Trans*+ 101 (names, pronouns, etiquette)
- Trans*+ Microaggressions
- Reflecting on and Understanding Cisgender privilege
- Developing (a) Gender Self-determination
- Teaching, Affirming and Recognizing Trans*+ and Gender Creative/Expansive Youth
- Trans*+ing Literacy Practices (crossing disciplinary lines)
- Auditing and Shifting Curriculum to be Inclusive about Topics Related to Gender Identity
- Shifting Policies and Practices in Schools
- Bathrooms, Locker Rooms, and Playgrounds
- Creating School Environments for External and Internal Safety
- Working with Parents (administrators, staff) around Trans*+ Issues
- Community Engagement with and for Trans*+ Students
- Understanding Intersectional Trans*+ Identities
- Books, Films, Videos, Featuring Trans*+ Youth
- Transgender History and its Role in Schools
- Disrupting Trans*+-focused Bullying
- Expanding Language Practices to be Inclusive of and for Trans*+ Youth
- We Just Need to Talk About…
- Unpacking Discourse in Syllabi: Teaching, Affirming and Recognizing All Students in Courses
- Creating Internal and External Safety: Motivating Student Learning and Increasing Engagement
- A Pedagogy of Love: Calling in our Classes
- Spatializing Social Justice Research Across Curriculum
- Moving Social Justice Research from Theory to Policy
- Social Justice Policymaking in Teacher Education from Conception to Application
- Standard VI: Realizing Social Justice Dispositions in Teaching and Teacher Education
- Conceptualizing, Integrating, and Assessing Artifacts for Social Justice
- Perspectives on Educational Accountability to Children and Communities
- Teaching Social Justice Using the Queer Literacy Framework
- Critically Assessing Social Justice in Assessments
- Writing the Story of Teaching for Social Justice in English Education
- Achieving Social Justice for LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ People in Schools: Learning from the Stories of Students, Families, Teachers, Administrators and Other School Personnel and Community Members
- The Politics of Policy and Practice. The Possibilities of Social Justice
- Interrogating Patterns in Teaching for Social Justice
- Reflecting on and Understanding Cisgender, Heteronormative, and Gender-based Privilege
- Trans*+ing Classrooms: The Pedagogy of Refusal as Mediator for Learning
- Trans*+ing Spaces: The Indeterminacy of Sociospatial Justice Work in Education
- Trans*+ing Pedagogy: Recognition of Trans*+ and Gender Creative Youth in the Secondary ELA Classroom
- Queering Literacy Instruction: Moving Trans*+ness into the Classroom
- How Can I Most Effectively Support Trans*+ and Gender and Creative Students?
- Queer YA Adult Literature: Honoring, Affirming and Trans*+forming Education
- A Queer Literacy Framework Promoting (a)Gender and (a)Sexuality Self-determination and Justice
- Unpacking Trans*+ Microaggressions: Creating Safe, Inclusive, and Affirming Spaces for Recognizing Trans*+ and Gender-Creative Students: A Queer Literacy Framework
- Refusing to be Refused: Literacy as a Pedagogy of Refusal
- Action Plans for Advocacy: LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ Voices of Empowerment in Education
- Teaching, Affirming, and Recognizing Trans*+ and Gender Creative Youth: A Queer Literacy Framework
- Unpacking Trans*+ Microaggressions: Creating Safe, Inclusive, and Affirming Spaces for Recognizing Trans*+ and Gender-Creative Students: A Queer Literacy Framework
- Teaching Social Justice Using the Queer Literacy Framework
- Reading Young Adult Literature Queerly: A Queer Literacy Framework for Inviting (A)Gender and (A)Sexuality Self-Determination and Justice
- Achieving Social Justice for LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ People in Schools: Learning from the Stories of Students, Families, Teachers, Administrators and Other School Personnel and Community Members
- Mythology of the Norm: Disrupting the Culture of Bullying in Schools
- Generation BULLIED 2.0: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Our Most Vulnerable Students
- Moving an Anti-bullying Stance into Schools: Supporting the Identities of Transgender and Gender Creative/Expansive Youth
- Heteronormative Harassment: Queer Bullying and Gender Non-conforming Students
- Understanding, Interrupting, and Shifting The Tides of Bullying for Generation Bullied 2.0
- Unpacking The Mind of a Bully: The Neuroscience of Bullying
- Connecting the “Anti” to “Bullying”: Addressing LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ Issues in Classrooms
- A Call to Action: Addressing DASA and Including LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ Issues in Classrooms
- Stop Bullying Now: Sharing Strategies for Change
- Recognizing and Interrupting Microaggressions Against Trans*+ and Gender Creative/Expansive Students
- LGBT*+ GC/EIAQ Issues in Education: Coaching Teachers and Students to Combat Bullying
- Refusing to be Refused: Literacy as a Pedagogy of Refusal
- Literacy Educators and The Dismantling Of The School-To-Prison Pipeline
- Policy Documentation on Resolution for Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline
- Will I Be Silent: Understanding The New Jim Crow
- Literacy as Educational Intervention for Disrupting the School-to-Prison-Pipeline
- If you don’t see what you want, just ask!
- Learning Assessment Development Strategies
- Secondary Language Arts, Humanities and History Curriculums
- Curriculum Restructuring, Scope and Sequencing, and Vertical Alignment
- Moving Theory into Practice
- Practitioner Reflexivity
- Social Justice Teaching Action Strategies