Critical Curriculum for Educators
- Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Can’t let it all go unsaid: Sistahs reading, writing, and photographing their lives
- Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
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- Links to writing and grammar sites
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- Mass Poetry (Pinsky)
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- Mindset test
- More on mindset
- National School Reform Faculty
- Online Student Publishing & Writing Resources –
- Literary lenses
- Philadelphia Young Playwrights
- PBS First Person on Trans and Gender non-binary topics
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- Mindset
- Mindset test
- Mindful Schools
- More on mindset
- Modern School
- Ms. Adventure’s Classroom
- National Association for Multicultural Education
- National Center for Literacy Education
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- NCTE Statement on Black Lives Matter #
- Nearly Normal
- New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE)
- NPR: Education Podcasts
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- NYT Education Resources
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- Ryan Fitzpatrick’s Webpage at Lincoln Prep
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- Save Our Schools: NZ
- SB 570: “Unlawfully Present Aliens”
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- Voix de Michele
- Washington Post Education
- We Are many
- World Gender Map
- Words Beyond Bars
- Writers Who Care
- Yeah. Good Times.
- Yinzercation
- The Zinn Project
- Bread Loaf School of English (invigorating summer study opportunity for secondary teachers)
- Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Center for the Study of Teaching & Policy
- Digital storytelling for teachers
- Delaware Reading & Writing Project
- Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education
- ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) –
- The Freedom Writers Diary
- Integrated Learning Communities
- National Writing Project
- Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education
- Research for Action
- Teachers College Record
- American Educational Research Association
- Center for Community Change
- Coalition of Essential Schools
- Educators for Social Responsibility
- Good Schools Pennsylvania
- International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education
- Literacy Research Association
- Name (National Association for Multicultural Education)
- NCEA (National Coalition of Education Activists)
- NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English)
- Rethinking Schools
- Teachers & Writers Collaborative (NYC)
- Teaching for Change
- Teaching Tolerance
- Beyond the Bricks
- Black Archives
- Brown v. Board Document
- Brown v. Board Website
- Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center
- Center for Racial Justice Innovation
- Code–meshing resources
- Collaborative for Equity and Justice in Education
- ColorLines
- Felon Voting
- Freire Project
- Institute for Urban and Minority Education (Teachers College)
- Journal of Negro Education
- Listen, Learn, Participate: A Black Lives Matter Resource Series
- NYU Metro Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools
- Pedro Noguera’s works
- Root
- Sentencing Project
- Shine
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Trevor Project
- Urban Ed
- Urban Ed Institute (UIC)
- Urban Preservation in KC
- ACLU Library
- Alternative Education Resource Organization
- Ben- Marion Institute for Social Justice
- Books for early childhood learning about trans*+/gender creative/expansive/fluid youth
- Center for Disease, Control and Prevention
- Charis Circle Books & More
- Cis-gender privilege activity
- COLAGE (Children of Lesbians & Gays Everywhere)
- Comprehensive book list about gender identity
- Gender Diversity
- Gender and Literacy Assembly- NCTE
- Gender Spectrum
- GLBTQ Resource Center, CU Boulder
- HRC and Welcoming Schools
- Lambda Literary
- LGBT History Month
- LGBTQIA Resources for Teachers
- Jamie Nabozny
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
- Office for Civil Rights Protection of Trans* Students Under Ttitle IX
- PBS First Person on Trans and Gender non-binary topics
- Pride School Atlanta
- Safe Schools Coalition
- Trans Athletics– trans* youth in sports
- Transgender Health & Education Alliance
- Transgender Law
- TransYouth Family Allies
- The Trevor Project
- World Gender Map
- Webumentary on Building Safe and Inclusive Schools for Trans*+ and Gender Creative Youth
- YouthSource