Media Work

TEDMED Research Scholar
UNESCO Global Citizenship Foundation Keynote
Unpacking the Secrets to Gender-Inclusive Learning Spaces.
19th Online Educational Leadership Forum (OELF) of UNESCO’s Global Citizenship Foundation. Panel Discussion. Summer, 2022.
TV Appearances
Gilligan, V. & Gould, P. (Writers) & Cooper H. (Director). (2021). Wexler v. Goodman. In T. Schnauz and G. Hutchison (Producers), Better call Saul. Albuquerque, NM: Sony. (Season 5, Episode 6)
On CBS spesking about Federal Guidance Rollback about Transgender Students’ Rights to Use Bathrooms
On CBS Speaking about Gender Fluidity
How do we Teach, Affirm and Recognize Students with Complex Gender Identities in New Mexico? New Mexico Council Teachers of English. Annual Conference. Albuquerque NM. Spring, 2020.
LGBTQ Tolerance and Identity Collection on PBS LearningMedia (WNET Education) (2017).
- WNET will produce the LGBTQ Tolerance and Identity Collection, a series of 10 digital media resources that will help administrators, guidance counselors, and educators understand the complex and difficult issues faced by LGBTQ students.
- Each digital media resource will feature video content from WNET’s groundbreaking LGBTQ series First Person, background essays, conversation guides, and teaching tips to facilitate their use in educational settings.
- The video segments presented will each be less than five minutes in length. The resources will help promote understanding, tolerance, awareness, and promote better self-esteem. The collection will be distributed free of charge through PBS LearningMedia NY (
- Educators wishing to do so can print hard copy materials off of the PBS LearningMedia NY web site.
- PBS First Person on Trans*+ and Gender non-binary topics
Vines. B. (2018, October 7). HE/SHE/THEY. In W. Martin III (Producer), Going in with Brian Vines. New York, NY: BRIC TV.
I come on around minute 4.
Miller, s. (2017). Building Safe and Inclusive Schools for Trans*+ and Gender Creative Youth. NYU Metro Center and PCGS. New York: NY.
Contact me for information. Click to see flyer.
On “Carl Higbie” Frontline. Aired:
June 15th, 2023.
Carl Higbie debates university professor sj Miller about gender ideology.
Featured Talks

Miller, s. (Producer: Ritter, J.) (2021, Aug 15). The Gender Identity Revolution and Education. Spotlight Series.
Education Talk Radio
Jacobs, L. (Producer) (2017, Mar 7). Teaching affirming, and recognizing trans*+ and gender dynamic youth. Education Talk Radio.
Human Restoration Project
Miller, s (Producer: McNutt, C.) (2020, May 9). Social Justice, Gender Identity and Liberatory Pedagogy.
Human Restoration Project. Retrieved from
Media Interviews
- De Vore, A. (2019, May 22). 3 Questions. Santa Fe Reporter. Retrieved from
- Miller, s. Marine, S., Nicolazzo, Z., & Wargo, J. (2018, Oct 30). Beyond binaries: Queering notions of gender and sexuality in academia. AERA Division G. Retrieved from
- Hong, J. (2018, July 23). Self-care products to keep in mind when you’re transitioning. A Very Good
Light. Retrieved from
- Kumutat, L., & Wendling, M (Hosts), (2018, Jun 22). A transgender Twitter fight. BBC Radio. Retrieved, from London: UK.
- Smith, L. (2017, Dec 20). For gender inclusivity, let students disagree. Education Review. Retrieved from
- Roddick, D. (2017, Dec 14). Expert: Addressing gender issues in schools starts with giving students the right to disagree. Western Sydney University News Centre. Retrieved from
- Duggan, S. (2017, Dec 5). Gender identity issues in schools need a re-think: expert. Education HQ Australia. Retrieved from
- Quevedo, S., & Yévenes, P. (2017, Nov 18). SJ Miller, académico y experto en integración: “No basta con decirle ‘estoy contigo’ a un niño transgénero. Retrieved from
- Universidad Alberto Hurtado, (2017, Nov 6). Autoridades de UAH y de Mineduc dan bienvenida a SJ Miller. Retrieved from
- Todo Mejora (2017, Nov 12). Todo Mejora se reúne con expertix en educacion trans de estados unidos. Retrieved from
- Universidad Alberto Hurtado, (2017, Nov 13). sj Miller: “Ser profesor es ser un agente de cambio.” Retrieved from
- Christ, L. (2017, July 27). Teachers undergo anti-bias training to make classrooms more welcoming. Spectrum News, NY1.
- Weinstein, D. (2017. Jun 20). Helping teachers see students in all their gender identities: An Interview with sj Miller. NYU Steinhardt. Retrieved from
- Adams, C. (2017, March 24). The difference between sexual orientation and gender identity. CBS News. Retrieved from
- Adams, C. (2017, March 24). The gender identity terms you need to know. CBS News. Retrieved from
- Adams, C. (2017, March 25). Social media, celebrities, and transgender Youth. CBS News. Retrieved from
- Yi, D. (2017, March 6). Why is everyone suddenly talking about gender? Very Good Light. Retrieved from